Employee Communication

  1. All the employees are requested to communicate in English in all circumstances.
  2. All official communication should be taken place through SCube Email ID.
  3. All internal individual communication and updates should be done by Zoho Cliq.
  4. Clickup must be used for all task management
  5. greythr must be used for attendance and leave
  6. All internal team meetings should take place through Google Meet.
  7. All employees are expected to respond to the calls or messages within 15 minutes except during their break time.
  8. The employees who failed to answer in 15 minutes should give valid reasons.
  9. If any employee fails to respond in 15 minutes, the time will be reduced from the working hours which will reflect on salary or the leave balance.
Day Meeting type Members Agenda Duration
Everyday PM meeting Head of development and project managers Discuss priority and resource allocation
Everyday PMs and Team leads Director Communicating plan and priority
Everyday Individual teams- website development, CMS, Breeze, QA Distribute work
Everyday Breeze call Breeze team Discuss
Friday All Company call Everyone Appreciation, achievement, and casual talk
Friday Retrospective Team leads- Director Blockers, grievances
Friday Sprint call Teams Priority and plan for next week
Every 3 months Quarterly review All company Work done, improvements, achievements, growth
Month end Monthly review All company Completed tasks, Improvement, Aim for next month
Date Created 00/00/00
Last Updated 24/01/24
Owner @Shovan

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@sukumar dont we already have a post on meeting schedule is this duplicate?