Meetings Offsite/Onsite

Meetings are an important way for us to communicate with each other to get our work done. We have set up a meeting cadence that will allow you to keep in touch with the company, project, and work colleagues.

  1. If you are invited to a meeting we expect you to turn up unless there is a reasonable explanation.
  2. You are required to maintain the meeting notes agenda.
  3. You are required to attend off-site work-related meetings without fail unless it is unavoidable circumstances.
  4. Please see the company meeting cadence below, and check with your team lead for your team meeting cadence.

Meeting Best Practices

  • Remember we are humans, it’s important to be kind, and it’s okay to take two minutes of your meeting time to check if your colleagues/clients are well. Below are a few Meeting Etiquette to follow
Date Created 00/00/00
Last Updated 00/00/00
Owner @Shovan

Schedule for the Meetings

Day Meeting type Attendees Duration(approx)
Monday Sprint planning: A sprint is the work plan for a week. Use this time to plan everything you need to do for the entire week. Individual project update 60 Min
Tuesday Team Scrum: To discuss blockages and what progress/changes is made in the tasks. Individual team 15-20 min
Wednesday Team Lead Updates: Clear & Simple overview of Sprint. Team leads 30 min
Thursday Team Scrum: New project information Individual team 15-20 min
1st Friday of a Month All company update All company 30 min
2nd Friday of a Month Retrospective: Constructive Self & Team reflection on the completed work All company 30-60 min
3rd Friday of a Month All company update All company 30 min
4th Friday of a Month Monthly Update - (Team, Project & Marketing)- All company 30-60 min
Other Meetings
Every day End of the day meeting All company 15-20 min
Once every 15 days Coffee meetup Any 2 colleagues 20 min

Meeting Setup & Etiquette

Must-Have English Phrases for Online Meetings