Review & Appraisal process

Appraisal and salary hike

  1. All employees are entitled to undergo a regular appraisal.
  2. Appraisal will be regularly held annually during April and based on the review, the requisition of the salary hike will be forwarded to the management.
  3. Year-end accreditation will be held and reviewed.
  4. Salary hikes, promotions, and demotions will be based on the performance of the employee which depends on the accreditation.
  5. Salary increments will be based on company performance

Review & Appraisal process

  1. On an annual basis, 360 employee reviews will be undertaken.
  2. Employees will be assessed using value & principal criteria.
  3. Managers/team leads are responsible for setting up clear KRAs and measurements for their team.
  4. The self-assessment form needs to be completed on a regular basis.
  5. HR one-to-call will be held on a monthly basis for interns and three months once for full-time employees.
  6. Any employee may undergo a performance review process at any time to improve their performance and skills which will be reflected in their salary hike and promotion.
  7. All the performance reviews are confidential and can be only shared with accessible members of the management.
Date Created 00/00/00
Last Updated 2/09/2023
Owner @Shovan